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Ten Years of Dragon and Lion Dance

Dragon and lion dances are intended to bring luck and prosperity, a sentiment that’s very important to the Chinese people. The dances are widely seen during Chinese New Year celebrations, but can also be a key part of other events throughout the year.
The dance between our Solar product supply partners and our company has been remarkable for  the last 10 Years.

No Solar Company dreads incoming phone calls. Except the ones that begin with: ” I used Solar XYZ and then they went out of business and now I’m stuck with a system that doesn’t work. Can you help?” We empathize with the property owner who is reaching out to us and are starkly reminded of how competitive success in the Solar Industry remains. These calls are a constant reminder of how high the standard is to compete in the solar business and our journey to build the Soleil Africa brand as one that is synonymous with trust and confidence.

Soleil Africa was founded a decade ago as suppliers and installers for the Eskom Solar Water Heating Program. We at Soleil Africa have always put customer satisfaction first by getting it right the first time. We successfully installed 1500 SWH systems under this program. Getting it right the first time, encompasses the three guiding principles that enabled Soleil Africa to avoid the pitfalls that many conglomerates and start-up solar companies make.

1) Soleil Africa isn’t looking to sell our clients the cheapest solar installation, we’re looking to sell them the best solar installation.
2) Each property owner’s financial situation demands a customized solar solution from both an engineering and financial perspective.
3) Solar installers are Soleil Solar employees who are PV Green Card Certified. Soleil Solar is accountable for what happens from the day a client signs their contract to the day they get Permission To Operate (PTO) their system.

African nations have recorded extensive growth in recent years, with about 5 GW of PV capacity expected in 2022. South Africa is now leading the continent with about 1 GW of installations for 2022, followed by Egypt with 800 MW.
Non-Residential solar remains at a steady peak. Such a huge jump in solar consumption would lead many to conclude that this opened the doors for many solar companies to open their doors and thrive. Many solar provider’s doors opened, however, most companies did not thrive.

The high bar set for solar providers worked in the favor of skilled solar installers such as Soleil Africa. The rise of solar conglomerates proved to be a short-term spike because conglomerates were unable to deliver the quality and customer care that local providers such as Soleil Africa are able to provide. Most of the HVAC and roofing companies that added solar to their letterhead mast wound up failing because their focus on Solar Energy was secondary at best.

These business models failed to focus on the intricate nuances of the Solar Energy Industry in the same personalized manner that Soleil Africa delivers. As a result, these types of providers fail to deliver quality financing and installations to commercial, non-profit and residential property owners.

After a full decade of quality solar installations, Soleil Africa has grown into a leading South African Solar Provider for Commercial, Non-Profit and Residential Solar Projects. Soleil Solar boasts outstanding solar customer testimonials and a spotless record.

We continue to dance in tendam with our suppliers and we look forward to Soleil Africa growing to new heights, as the preffered Solar Product and Services Supplier in Africa.

Gong Shi Fa Cai – “Wishing You Happiness and Prosperity.”


President Cyril Ramaphosa said they intend to enable businesses and households to invest in rooftop solar to generate electricity. The President said South Africa has a great abundance of sun that should be used to generate electricity.

“There is significant potential for households and businesses to install rooftop solar and connect this power to the grid. “To incentivise greater uptake of rooftop solar, Eskom will develop rules and a pricing structure – known as a feed-in tariff – for all commercial and residential installations on its network.” – President Cyril Ramaphosa


This means that those who can and have installed solar panels in their homes or businesses will be able to sell surplus power they don’t need to Eskom.

This comes only days after South Africans were fuming about reports of Eskom’s proposal to hike its fixed connection service fees as high as R938 for some customers. Data provided to MyBroadband by Eskom in July laid out the power utility’s intent to change its tariff structures in such a way that households who use less power pay higher fees.


Under Eskom’s current fee structure, variable and fixed costs accumulated in producing electricity are paid for through a single electricity tariff — calculated per kWh of consumption.

Eskom reportedly told MyBroadband that tariffs need to be modernised to reflect the changing electricity environment to ensure fair recovery by all of the services to be provided by all grid users and the system.

The report furthermore states that while solar power users are not specifically mentioned or targeted by Eskom in its data, any households that make a concerted effort to lower their dependency on Eskom’s grid and end up using less grid power, as a result, would invariably draw the higher charges laid out in the proposal.

Are solar panels worth it in 2022?

In this article, we’ll help you answer the question: “Is it worth it to buy solar panels?” For most people, solar panels are worth the investment, but they may not be right for you in some rare circumstances. However, even renters may have solar options if their property owners or managers are open to it.

  • The amount you’ll save by going solar will vary based on factors including how much you pay for electricityhow much your installation costs, how much energy you use, what rebates and
  • Virtually everyone has solar energy options, regardless of if you’re a homeowner, renter, or leasing their business property.
  • The amount you’ll save by going solar will vary based on numerous factors.
  • Most property owners will see a return on investment in less than 10 years.
  • You can maximize your solar savings by shopping around and learning more about your options.

Financial Benefits far outweigh the opportunity cost of buying a solar system now

When solar panels are worth it, and when they aren’t

Solar panels are usually most worth it if:

  • You own your property. Renters or business owners who do not own their property should speak to the property owner prior to making any plans to install a solar system.
  • You pay a high price for electricity. The higher your electric rate, the faster your solar panel system will save you money. These days, solar shoppers “break even” on their solar investment in seven to eight years.
  • You get a good price for solar. In 2022, an average 10 kilowatt (kW) solar panel system costs about R150,000.  Prices on Soleil Africa are usually lower than market prices, so you know you’re getting a good deal.

If you fit these criteria, solar panels are probably worth it! What’s more, even homes and businesses that don’t meet these points perfectly can benefit from solar with the right installation

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